Thursday, July 15, 2010

Random Update and Thoughts

Well, to fill in a gap or two....following the last week Ashley and I spent in Mbale, all 6 travellers met up to go on safari for a weekend in Queen Elizabeth Park. Then Ashley headed back to Canada the Tuesday following and I went to Masaka with Tamara and Tracy for the final week before we left Uganda.

I was reminded today, now that I am in Scotland, that in Africa, nothing got thrown away easily. Ask us to tell you all the possible uses of sterile glove wrappers. There is quite an exhaustive list.

I made many mental 'notes to self' while I was in Africa and the only one I can remember now is 'why does obstructed labour cause bloody urine?' which is one of the cardinal signs? Still haven't looked it up and I'm open to information!

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